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We Purchased Raintrees at Diamond Beach in 1993 and began planting rainforest trees at that time as well as exotics around the house area. In particular we planted hundreds of Bangalow Palms while all the cabbage Plams were native to the 6 and a half acre property
We have seen many droughts come and go over those years but they appear to be more frequent and of longer duration in the last 10 years.
In the last few years we have lost trees that have never before been threatened with death from drought.
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana - bangalow Palms are the barometer by which we judge the severity of drought on Raintrees.
The drought of winter spring 2013 as of November is now even worse in than even the previous worst drought of August to January 2012.

2013 DROUGHT at Raintrees - June to November

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34 photos
2013 DROUGHT at Raintrees - June to November