Cassia is a huge genus of over 500 species that includes many of the most colorful trees and shrubs in the tropics.
Cassia fistula is a legume, growing to 10m and native to India and South Asia. Golden Shower is related to the Jerusalem Thorn Tree and redbud
The foliage is evergreen, medium green and compound providing a nice open, lacy look
Fistula flowers are light yellow hanging in groups almost 12 inches in length with long tubelike seedpods.
Easy to grow, Cassia fistula is tolerant of many soils and light salt drift. Once established, it is a carefree tree with few requirements.
Most Cassia shrubs are heavy bloomers with yellow flowers and many are trained to be small trees. Plant them in full sun for best flowering. Groups of three are very nice as a medium height focal point.
The seeds may be punctured for best germination or soaked in sulphuric acid for 5-20minutes.
Beautiful Flowering Trees of The WorldBlack Diamond Images Flowering Trees CollectionAustralian Rainforest Flowering TreesAustralian Rainforest Plants Trees and FungiField Guide Flowering Trees of the WorldDatabase of Flowering TreesBEAUTIFUL FLOWERING TREES