Galleries 24
Collections 1
Groups 9
These galleries relate specifically to our 6.5 acre property at Diamond Beach on the Mid North Coast of NSW known as 'Raintrees Native and Rainforest Gardens'.
While we have a good collection of exotic flowering trees,palms and cycads around the house,and an orchard and vegetable garden,the main interest to many visiting garden groups is the rainforested areas of the property. We estimate that we have planted well in excess of 10,000 trees. Many of the trees are quite rare and some are endangered. They have been purchased from rainforest nurseries or we have grown them from seed in our nursery. A species count recently by a local botanist indicated we are getting close to 1000 species on the property.
The forest has a remnant cabbage palm population,one of the last remaining stands in the area,as well as substantial plantings of Bangalow Palms which really provide a sub-tropical rainforest experience.
Wheel Chair friendly mossy green tracks and bridges allow access to most sections of the forest.
We have a growing resident wildlife population which should increase further as our rainforest trees progressively start to flower and fruit.
Wildlife includes resident Swamp Wallabies,rainforest pigeons,owls and parrots as well as a range of marsupial possums with increasingly rare visits by the odd Koala.Fireflies are a treat in Mid September. In March April May fungi of all descriptions pop up all over the block.

For a gallery of images of Raintrees click HERE

Most of our rainforest images are HERE

Please visit the WILDLIFE group to see some of our resident native animals.

FLOWERS and TREES Galleries


Raintrees - HOUSE and GARDENS

Galleries 6
219 photos
Raintrees - HOUSE and GARDENS

Raintrees - Forest / Rainforest

Galleries 6
176 photos


Galleries 1
12 photos

Raintrees WILDLIFE

Collections 1
0 photos
Raintrees WILDLIFE

Raintrees - STORMS,FLOODS and Property Work

Galleries 5
176 photos
Raintrees - STORMS,FLOODS and Property Work

Raintrees - FUNGI

Galleries 5
198 photos
Raintrees - FUNGI


0 photos

Raintrees - CLOUDS n SUNSETS

Galleries 1
32 photos

Raintrees DROUGHT

0 photos

Naurvoo, Timbertops Estate

Visitors 12
0 photos

Garden of Eden

Visitors 7
0 photos

Raintrees Native and Rainforest Gardens 2017

Visitors 1
13 videos

Mark's Raintrees Drone Photos

Visitors 1
0 photos