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From Madagascar, this is an erect tree, often with a long trunk and spreading branches. Fern-like, pinnate leaves to a metre long, with many small, elliptic to oblong leaflets. From late autumn to winter, this tree turns on a spectacular floral display that rivals other world-renowned flowering species like the Illawarra flame tree, Jacaranda or poinciana (to which it is related). It bears scarlet to orange flowers in racemes to 30 cm in length. Its grape-like clusters of velvety buds can range from chameleon green to blood orange. This is a fabulous tree when in bloom and very delicate and lacy-looking in leaf. It can grow to a height of 8 to 15 metres in height. This is originally a tropical tree with the same range and climatic tolerances as Poinciana. It is now cultivated in a range of climates from true tropical to warm temperate, although it can require carefull siting in the latter climate.

Where not hardy outdoors, it can be grown as a container plant which can be moved outside for the summer. Indoors, grow in soil-based potting mix in full light. When in growth, water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Keep just moist in winter. Pot on or top dress in spring.

It prefers moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun. It likes to be grown rather dry in the winter but lots of water in summer.

Beautiful Flowering Trees of The World

Black Diamond Images Flowering Trees Collection

Australian Rainforest Flowering Trees

Australian Rainforest Plants Trees and Fungi

Field Guide Flowering Trees of the World

Database of Flowering Trees


Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Colville's Glory , Colvillea, Racemosa, flowering trees, orange

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