Any assistance with identification of these plants is most welcome. flora of Lord Howe Island is closely related to that of other landmasses situated nearby with many exceptions where the plants are endemic. Australia,Norfolk Island,New Zealand,New Caledonia and some of the Pacific Islands have all contributed to the flora of Lord Howe to varying degrees following the islands formation some 6.9 million years ago.
The relative isolation and the unique landscapes of Lord Howe,from cool mountainous to coastal lowlands and sheltered valleys has seen the evolution of a flora quite distinctive,with 105 of the 243 species occurring,native vascular plants endemic to the island.
As a result today, approximately 80% of the island is now World Heritage protected.
Perhaps the most well known species originating from Lord Howe Island is the Kentia or Howea Palm.Howea forsteriana has become recognised as one of the best indoor palms on the world market and as a result quite an industry in growing them has developed on Lord Howe.