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Visitors 31

18 of 88 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Sydney, circular quay, ferry, harbour, sunrise, sydney opera house
Iconic Sydney Opera House and Circular Quay

Iconic Sydney Opera House and Circular Quay

The Sydney Opera House is located in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is one of the most distinctive and famous 20th century buildings, and one of the most famous performing arts venues in the world. Situated on Bennelong Point inSydney Harbour, with Sydneys Botanic Gardens to its south,adjacent to Circular Quay and just across the quay from the equally famous Sydney Harbour Bridge, the building and its surroundings form an iconic Australian image.
As well as many touring theatre, ballet, and musical productions, the Opera House is the home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony. It is administered by the Opera House Trust, under the New South Wales Ministry of the Arts.