Cape Hawke Harbour divides the twin NSW Mid North coastal towns of Forster and Tuncurry situated on beautiful Wallis lake.
Wallis Lake is famous for its Sydney Rock Oysters, claimed by many to be the tastiest oyster in the world. The lake has been voted one of NSW's most pristine lakes making it ideal for oyster culture.
Wallis Lake is fed by 4 rivers which ultimately flow to sea through Cape Hawke Harbour and its extended breakwalls.
These images were shot from the picturesque Tuncurry side with the tourist town of Forster visible on the southern shore in some images.
A small swimming enclosure is netted off near the entrance on the Tuncurry side which is popular with retirees and family groups.
Cape Hawke Harbour is home to a small fleet of fishing trawlers including a number of tuna boats as well as a fisherman's cooperative.
A long bridge separates the twin towns and is a major bottleneck in the tourist season.
Forster Tuncurry is a good central location for day trips to Port Macquarie, Laurieton, Harrington and Hallidays Point in the North and to Pacific Palms, Smiths Lake, Seal Rocks, Hawkes Nest and Tea Gardens in the south. The area boasts some of Australia's best climate with average temperatures in the 26 degree range. The beautiful beaches of the Great Lakes also form part of the regions attraction.
Free Spirit Xmas CruiseHISTORY OF TUNCURRY