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Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Australia, Cargo Ship, Cascade Pier, Lighter boat, Lighter boats, Lighter towing launch, Motorised Tow Boat, NSW, Norfolk, Norfolk Guardian, Norfolk Is, Norfolk Island, boat, crane, launch, lighter, lighterage service, motor boat, motorised boat, motorised launches, pier, tow boat, tow launch, winch
Cascade Pier, Norfolk Island -

Cascade Pier, Norfolk Island -

The Norfolk Island Lighterage Service operates both here at Cascade Pier and also at Kingston Pier, on the southern side of the island, depending on sea conditions and weather,
The Norfolk Guardian visits Norfolk Island roughly every 3 weeks and as there is no boat harbour on the island transfer of goods from ship to shore is done by use of lighter boats (ex whaling boats) which are then towed to the pier by powerful motor boats.
At times the transfer of goods from the cargo ship, the Norfolk Guardian, which is anchored just offshore, to the pier can indeed be a perilous process both in getting the goods via the lighters to the pier and also because unloading at the pier in heavy swells can be both unpredictable and depending on sea conditions, very hazardous.
Rough sea conditions can cause the lighter boat loads to become unbalanced and many a load has gone overboard, including large vehicles which may need to be transported by lashing 2 lighter boats together. Once the goods arrive at Cascade Pier a crane lifts them onto the pier for distribution around Norfolk Island.
The vessel in the image pictured is a motorised towing launch.
It comes as a surprise to some that Norfolk Island does not have a safe harbour. Unfortunately there are no suitable bays which could have been developed for this purpose. To develop a harbour suitable for vessels the size of the Norfolk Guardian would require a huge financial investment, money that the small community of just over 2000 people on Norfolk Island just cannot afford.

Read more about how cargo is shifted by Lighters to shore on Norfolk Island HERE