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174 photos

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Licuala grandis - Ruffled Fan Leaf Palm, Vanuatau Fan Palm, Palas PayungLicuala grandis - Ruffled Fan Leaf Palm, Vanuatau Fan Palm, Palas PayungLicuala grandis - Ruffled Fan Leaf Palm, Vanuatau Fan Palm, Palas PayungLicuala grandis - Ruffled Fan Leaf Palm, Vanuatau Fan Palm, Palas PayungHeritage Tree - Dedicated To Peter Y S FuAlbizia saman - Rain Tree (Syn Samanea saman) - Heritage Tree with EpiphytesAlbizia saman - Rain Tree (Syn Samanea saman) - Heritage Tree with EpiphytesJohannesteijsmannia altifrons - Daun Payung, Joey palm, Umbrella-leafed palmJohannesteijsmannia altifrons - Daun Payung, Joey palm, Umbrella-leafed palmJohannesteijsmannia altifrons - Daun Payung, Joey palm, Umbrella-leafed palmJohannesteijsmannia altifrons - Daun Payung, Joey palm, Umbrella-leafed palmJohannesteijsmannia altifrons - Daun Payung, Joey palm, Umbrella-leafed palmJohannesteijsmannia altifrons - Daun Payung, Joey palm, Umbrella-leafed palmElaeis guineensis - African Oil Palm, Kelapa Sawit - Near Entrance to Singapore Botanic GardensEpipremnum pinnatumEpipremnum pinnatumPhoenicophorium borsiglanum - Latanier Palm, Stevensonia PalmPhoenicophorium borsiglanum - Latanier Palm, Stevensonia PalmVerschaffeltia splendida - Seychelles Stilt PalmVerschaffeltia splendida - Seychelles Stilt Palm