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40 photos

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Places of Interest
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:1836-1847, 2nd Settlement, Australia, Gaol, Historic Kingston, Kingston, Kingston Arthurs Vale Historic Area, Kingston Arthurs Vale World Heritage Area, Kingston Gaol, NSW, New Gaol, New Gaol, Norfolk Island, Norfolk Island History, Norfolk Island Ruins, Prisoners Barracks

New Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandView Across Kingston Common to New Gaol (Built 1836-47) and Prisoners Barracks (Built 1832-35), Kingston, Norfolk IslandView Across Kingston Common to New Gaol (Built 1836-47) and Prisoners Barracks (Built 1832-35), Kingston, Norfolk IslandView Across Kingston Common to New Gaol (Built 1836-47) and Prisoners Barracks (Built 1832-35), Kingston, Norfolk IslandPlan of the New Gaol, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk IslandNew Gaol Commenced 1836 - Completed 1847, Kingston, Norfolk Island