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Visitors 23
25 photos
Wallis Lake is a magnificent coastal water wonderland emptying to the sea at the twin toursist towns of Forster and Tuncurry situated on the NSW Mid North Coast about 3 hours from Sydney.
The tranquil conditions and pristine waters make the lake an ideal home for the largest Sydney Rock Oyster industy in Australia.
Free Spirit Cruises is an excellent way to see the lakes many beautiful sandy islands,channels and the 4 rivers that flow into the lake.Dolpins are also regular visitors to the bows of the boat.
Our sunset cruise gave us an opportunity to see the lake at the lowest tide in many years with the sandbanks and oyster leases fully exposed.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Night Sky
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:lake, sunset, cruise, forster, wallis lake, forster tuncurry, free spirit cruises, oyster leases, oysters, tuncurry, waterways

Night light1Sunset over oyster leases5enrich1Lake sunsetJan 2007DSC_9891ed1DSC_9887ed1DSC_9886ed2DSC_9881ed2DSC_9881ed3lakesunseted5Sunset over oyster leases3Sunset over oyster leases4jpgDSC_9885edDSC_9884ed1DSC_9883ed1Sunset over oyster leases2Sunset over oyster leases1DSC_9876edsunset24edShallow Bay2 Jan 2007sunset23ed